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Posts in Inclusion & Workplace Culture
When should we hire an outside facilitator?

You’ve got the weekly leadership team meeting down to a science, and your 1:1s with your direct reports are often fantastic conversations. But what about this meeting? It might be an important board meeting, a budget-wrestling session, an all-staff meeting following a community crisis. Maybe you’re launching a strategic planning process for the first time in five years!

Now, the stakes are higher.

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What are core values, anyway?

Your organization probably has a values statement on its website. You might even know where it is and what it says! (Interestingly, there are good odds that “integrity” is on your list - the world’s most common “core value”.)

But - do you know how this statement was made? Who chose these words? Was it your Board from 7 years ago? And what do they mean?

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When it costs nothing to do the right thing

Online discussion forums (fora?) are a funny thing. While we generally have our daily conversations inside our bubbles, where opinions rarely surprise us and everybody knows your name, forums allow us to hold conversations with people from outside (often far outside) our little bubbles. I live in Portland, Oregon, which is the epitome of the “liberal bubble,” where I can generally expect that 99% of the people on the streetcar live on the same side of the political spectrum—if not quite as far to one end—as I do. Because of this geography, I jump at opportunities to…

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The Trouble with "Fun" Interviews

You know what most people hate? Job interviews. Why? Well, they’re a weird, manufactured thing where people sit in a room and one is trying to prove they’re the best and the others are trying to prove their workplace is cool. Awkward all around, right? Naturally, the instinct on the part of HR and hiring managers is to relieve the awkwardness and make the experience as pleasant as possible.

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